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Explaining “The leopard does not change its spots”

Lloyd Cooper 09/11/2024, 19:03
English.me team member

What does it mean?

The leopard does not change its spots

The phrase means that a person cannot change their intrinsic nature or character, suggesting that people tend to remain true to their basic habits and dispositions.




The phrase originates from the Bible, specifically from the Book of Jeremiah 13:23, which suggests that it is difficult for people or animals to change their inherent characteristics.

Examples of usage

  • Even after all these years, she still behaves just as stubbornly as ever; I guess a leopard never changes its spots.
  • He's tried to convince everyone he's turned over a new leaf, but a leopard doesn't change its spots.
  • Despite his promises to improve, his actions prove that a leopard does not change his spots.