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Explaining “Too little, too late”

Anwar Kareem 01/10/2024, 10:02
English.me team member

What does it mean?

Too little, too late

The phrase "Too little, too late" refers to actions or measures that are taken but are insufficient and not timely enough to be effective in changing an outcome or addressing a problem.


The tone of the phrase is often critical or regretful, suggesting that the response was inadequate and not delivered in a timely manner.


The phrase "Too little, too late" is thought to have originated in military contexts, particularly during World War I, where it was used to describe reinforcements or resources that arrived insufficiently and too late to make a difference.

Examples of usage

  • The donation was generous, but it was too little, too late to save the charity from closing.
  • After months of ignoring customer feedback, the company's new policy was seen as too little, too late.