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Explaining “Every tide has its ebb”

Lloyd Cooper 02/10/2024, 08:50
English.me team member

What does it mean?

Every tide has its ebb

The phrase "Every tide has its ebb" means that all situations, especially those marked by prosperity or intensity, will eventually decline or diminish. It suggests the cyclical nature of life and circumstances, highlighting that ups and downs are natural and inevitable.




The phrase is rooted in the natural observation of tides, which rise and fall cyclically. It draws from this natural phenomenon to metaphorically describe the cycles and fluctuations in life. Although not attributed to a specific individual, it's a common idiom reflecting a timeless understanding of change.

Examples of usage

  • She reminded him that every tide has its ebb, so he should prepare for challenges even during periods of success.
  • In the midst of their winning streak, the coach warned the team that every tide has its ebb, encouraging them to stay humble and vigilant.