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Explaining “Where there is life there is hope”

Anwar Kareem 04/12/2024, 08:26
English.me team member

What does it mean?

Where there is life there is hope

The phrase "Where there is life there is hope" means that as long as a person is alive, there is still the possibility for positive outcomes, improvement, or success. It encourages individuals to remain optimistic and not give up, even in difficult or seemingly insurmountable situations.


Optimistic and encouraging.


The phrase is believed to trace back to ancient times, often attributed to the Roman philosopher Cicero. A similar sentiment is expressed in the Latin phrase "dum spiro, spero", meaning "while I breathe, I hope".

Examples of usage

  • Even after the diagnosis, she held on to the belief that where there is life there is hope.
  • The team's chances of winning were slim, but their coach reminded them that where there is life there is hope.
  • He faced many obstacles, but he kept moving forward because he knew that where there is life there is hope.