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Why it's "headstone," not "head stone": unveiling a common error

Anwar Kareem 30/09/2024, 02:01
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Head stone or headstone. What's correct?

spelling error

Why do people make this mistake?

People might make this error due to misunderstanding or misspelling the term "headstone," which refers to a tombstone or grave marker used in cemeteries. They might incorrectly split the word into "head stone" thinking it's a compound noun formed in a similar way to other such terms.

What is correct?

The correct term is "headstone," which is a single word referring to the stone placed at the head of a grave to identify the deceased.

Examples of correct usage

  • We placed flowers by the headstone.
  • The headstone was carved with intricate designs.
  • Family members gathered around the headstone for a moment of silence.