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Imminent mistake: understanding the error in "imminent domain"

Lloyd Cooper 10/10/2024, 23:34
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Imminent domain or eminent domain. What's correct?

Spelling and terminology error

Why do people make this mistake?

People often mishear or misinterpret the term "eminent domain" due to its uncommon usage in everyday language and the similarity between "eminent" and "imminent".

What is correct?

"Eminent domain" is the correct term. "Eminent" means distinguished, prominent, or of high rank, fitting the term because it refers to the government's superior power to take private property for public use.

Examples of correct usage

  • The government exercised its eminent domain to build the new highway.
  • Eminent domain allows the state to acquire private land for public projects.
  • The property was acquired under eminent domain for the new school construction.