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Why "make an appearance with" misses the mark

Anwar Kareem 29/09/2024, 14:07
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Make an appearance with or appear with. What's correct?

Collocation error

Why do people make this mistake?

People often mistakenly mix up common phrases or collocations. In English, some phrases tend to go together as fixed expressions, and while "make an appearance" is correct on its own, adding "with" is unnecessary and incorrect when referring to people attending an event.

What is correct?

The correct usage is "make an appearance at" or simply "appear with" when indicating turning up at a location or event.

Examples of correct usage

  • She will make an appearance at the event.
  • The actor will appear with his co-stars on the red carpet.
  • He is expected to make an appearance at the meeting.
  • They made an appearance at the concert.