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Why you should never say "oftenly"

Reviewed and edited by Anwar Kareem 15/01/2025, 16:05
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Oftenly or often. What's correct?

Incorrect adverb formation; "oftenly" is a nonstandard word because "often" is already an adverb.

Why do people make this mistake?

People may mistakenly believe that "often" is an adjective and attempt to form an adverb by adding "-ly", following the common pattern of adjectives like "quick" becoming "quickly".

What is correct?

"Often" is the correct form to use, as it is already an adverb.

Examples of correct usage

  • She often travels abroad for work.
  • They often eat dinner at that restaurant.
  • He often forgets his keys at home.
  • I often read books before bed.

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