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Why "return back" is a redundant ramble

Anwar Kareem 08/10/2024, 01:33
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Return back or return. What's correct?

Redundancy Error

Why do people make this mistake?

The phrase "return back" is a redundancy, meaning it uses unnecessary additional words. People often make this error due to informal or habitual speech patterns where they emphasize "back" to mean returning to a prior state or location, despite "return" alone implying that.

What is correct?

The correct form is to use "return" by itself, as it already conveys the meaning of going back to a previous place or state.

Examples of correct usage

  • I will return to the office tomorrow.
  • Please return the book to the library.
  • After the meeting, she returned to her work.