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Common phrases

Do not put all your eggs in one basket

Do not put all your eggs in one basket

30/09/2024, 05:24

The phrase means that one should not concentrate all resources ... Learn more →

Like father, like son

Like father, like son

30/09/2024, 04:27

The phrase means that a son often resembles or behaves ... Learn more →

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow

30/09/2024, 04:01

This phrase means that great things or people often come ... Learn more →

Any port in a storm

Any port in a storm

29/09/2024, 22:25

The phrase "Any port in a storm" means that during ... Learn more →

It never rains but it pours

It never rains but it pours

29/09/2024, 21:59

The phrase "It never rains but it pours" means that ... Learn more →

Beauty is only skin deep

Beauty is only skin deep

29/09/2024, 21:31

The phrase "Beauty is only skin deep" means that a ... Learn more →

Money earned by deceit, goes by deceit

Money earned by deceit, goes by deceit

29/09/2024, 21:16

This phrase suggests that money obtained through dishonest or deceitful ... Learn more →

An army marches on its stomach

An army marches on its stomach

29/09/2024, 20:59

This phrase means that an army's effectiveness is heavily dependent ... Learn more →

Horses for courses

Horses for courses

29/09/2024, 20:28

The phrase "horses for courses" means that what is suitable ... Learn more →

Do not judge a book by its cover

Do not judge a book by its cover

29/09/2024, 19:33

The phrase means that you should not form an opinion ... Learn more →