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Common phrases

The pen is mightier than the sword

The pen is mightier than the sword

29/09/2024, 19:20

The phrase means that written communication and ideas have a ... Learn more →

Children should be seen and not heard

Children should be seen and not heard

29/09/2024, 19:08

The phrase suggests that children should behave quietly and not ... Learn more →

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

29/09/2024, 16:34

The phrase "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" suggests that ... Learn more →

Put your best foot forward

Put your best foot forward

29/09/2024, 16:20

The phrase "Put your best foot forward" means to make ... Learn more →

Other times other manners.

Other times other manners.

29/09/2024, 15:51

The phrase "Other times other manners" suggests that social customs, ... Learn more →

What goes around, comes around

What goes around, comes around

29/09/2024, 15:22

The phrase means that the good or bad actions a ... Learn more →

Another happy landing

Another happy landing

29/09/2024, 15:01

The phrase "Another happy landing" is a lighthearted or humorous ... Learn more →

Even a worm will turn

Even a worm will turn

29/09/2024, 00:27

The phrase "Even a worm will turn" means that even ... Learn more →

Might is right

Might is right

29/09/2024, 00:06

The phrase "Might is right" suggests that those with power ... Learn more →

It takes two to tango

It takes two to tango

28/09/2024, 23:41

The phrase "It takes two to tango" means that a ... Learn more →