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Common phrases

There is no place like home

There is no place like home

08/10/2024, 06:39

The phrase "There is no place like home" expresses the ... Learn more →

Barking dogs seldom bite

Barking dogs seldom bite

07/10/2024, 19:52

The phrase "Barking dogs seldom bite" suggests that people who ... Learn more →

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

07/10/2024, 14:21

The phrase means that when faced with a difficult or ... Learn more →

Denial is not a river in Egypt

Denial is not a river in Egypt

07/10/2024, 11:54

The phrase "Denial is not a river in Egypt" is ... Learn more →

Do not make a mountain out of a mole hill

Do not make a mountain out of a mole hill

07/10/2024, 10:32

The phrase means not to exaggerate a minor problem or ... Learn more →

Do not bite the hand that feeds you

Do not bite the hand that feeds you

07/10/2024, 09:09

The phrase "Do not bite the hand that feeds you" ... Learn more →

One good turn deserves another

One good turn deserves another

07/10/2024, 04:17

The phrase "One good turn deserves another" means that if ... Learn more →

Necessity is the mother of invention

Necessity is the mother of invention

07/10/2024, 03:26

The phrase "Necessity is the mother of invention" means that ... Learn more →

Love will find a way

Love will find a way

07/10/2024, 02:30

The phrase "Love will find a way" suggests that love ... Learn more →

Snake in the grass

Snake in the grass

07/10/2024, 01:34

The phrase "snake in the grass" refers to a person ... Learn more →