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Common phrases

Rome was not built in one day

Rome was not built in one day

11/10/2024, 17:33

The phrase "Rome was not built in one day" means ... Learn more →

Great minds think alike

Great minds think alike

11/10/2024, 16:05

The phrase "Great minds think alike" is used to express ... Learn more →

Every little bit helps

Every little bit helps

11/10/2024, 06:12

The phrase "Every little bit helps" means that even the ... Learn more →

History repeats itself

History repeats itself

10/10/2024, 17:09

The phrase "History repeats itself" suggests that events or patterns ... Learn more →

The pot calling the kettle black

The pot calling the kettle black

10/10/2024, 12:57

The phrase "The pot calling the kettle black" is an ... Learn more →

Once bitten, twice shy

Once bitten, twice shy

10/10/2024, 09:05

The phrase "Once bitten, twice shy" means that after experiencing ... Learn more →

Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst

Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst

09/10/2024, 22:06

The phrase suggests maintaining a positive outlook and hoping for ... Learn more →

Let the buyer beware

Let the buyer beware

09/10/2024, 21:23

"Let the buyer beware" is a principle that suggests that ... Learn more →

Familiarity breeds contempt

Familiarity breeds contempt

09/10/2024, 20:34

The phrase "Familiarity breeds contempt" suggests that knowing someone or ... Learn more →

Fight fire with fire

Fight fire with fire

09/10/2024, 19:38

The phrase "fight fire with fire" means to respond to ... Learn more →