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Common phrases

It is not enough to learn how to ride, you must also learn how to fall

It is not enough to learn how to ride, you must also learn how to fall

05/10/2024, 11:23

The phrase means that in addition to mastering a skill ... Learn more →

Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter is the best medicine

05/10/2024, 07:28

The phrase "Laughter is the best medicine" means that having ... Learn more →

There's nowt so queer as folk

There's nowt so queer as folk

05/10/2024, 06:05

The phrase "There's nowt so queer as folk" is a ... Learn more →

Time is money

Time is money

05/10/2024, 05:13

The phrase "Time is money" suggests that time is a ... Learn more →

Money does not grow on trees

Money does not grow on trees

04/10/2024, 23:58

The phrase means that money is not easy to come ... Learn more →

Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are

Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are

04/10/2024, 23:13

This phrase suggests that a person's character and identity can ... Learn more →

Easy come, easy go

Easy come, easy go

04/10/2024, 22:31

The phrase "Easy come, easy go" means that something acquired ... Learn more →

All roads lead to Rome

All roads lead to Rome

04/10/2024, 21:41

The phrase means that there are many different methods or ... Learn more →

Faith will move mountains

Faith will move mountains

04/10/2024, 20:48

The phrase "Faith will move mountains" means that having strong ... Learn more →

No guts, no glory

No guts, no glory

04/10/2024, 19:54

"No guts, no glory" means that in order to achieve ... Learn more →