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Common phrases

What does not kill me makes me stronger

What does not kill me makes me stronger

04/10/2024, 19:01

The phrase means that experiences which are difficult or painful, ... Learn more →

Bad news travels fast

Bad news travels fast

04/10/2024, 18:18

The phrase means that people tend to spread negative news ... Learn more →

Every stick has two ends

Every stick has two ends

04/10/2024, 17:35

The phrase "Every stick has two ends" is a metaphorical ... Learn more →

Never speak ill of the dead

Never speak ill of the dead

04/10/2024, 06:21

The phrase "Never speak ill of the dead" suggests that ... Learn more →

If it ain't broke, don't fix it

If it ain't broke, don't fix it

04/10/2024, 01:04

The phrase suggests that if something is working well or ... Learn more →

The end justifies the means

The end justifies the means

04/10/2024, 00:09

The phrase "The end justifies the means" means that if ... Learn more →

Youth is wasted on the young

Youth is wasted on the young

03/10/2024, 19:43

The phrase suggests that young people often fail to fully ... Learn more →

Time flies

Time flies

03/10/2024, 15:12

"Time flies" is a phrase used to express how quickly ... Learn more →

Too many cooks spoil the broth

Too many cooks spoil the broth

03/10/2024, 11:28

The phrase means that when too many people are involved ... Learn more →

Little pitchers have big ears

Little pitchers have big ears

03/10/2024, 00:18

The phrase means that children often hear and understand more ... Learn more →