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Word chemistry: unpacking "pesticide" and "paraquat"

Lloyd Cooper 01/10/2024, 14:18
English.me team member
Pesticide and paraquat. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both terms relate to substances used in agriculture and plant protection.

What is different?

Pesticide is a general term for substances intended to prevent, destroy, or control pests. Paraquat is a specific type of herbicide known for its effectiveness and toxicity.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for pesticide) and paraquat

Examples of usage

  • Farmers use pesticides to protect their crops from insects.
  • The government regulates the use of pesticides to ensure safety.
  • Organic farming minimizes or eliminates pesticide use.
  • Paraquat is highly toxic and handled with care by farm workers.
  • The use of paraquat is banned in some countries due to health concerns.
  • The farmer applied paraquat to the fields to control weed growth.